Monday, August 2, 2010

Ready to Wordle?!

If you have a big speech, I highly recommend you run it through Wordle, which will make a "word cloud" of your speech. Perhaps it's only fun, perhaps it will be strangely enlightening...

I can only post the link, not the image, but here is the one I made out of "To be or not to be":

1 comment:

  1. I've been assured by smart people that this isn't just a toy, but that stylometrics (the statistical science under Wordle) is a huge deal in proper Shakespearean circles! :) So feel free to Wordle it up!


About Crafting Shakespeare

Welcome to Crafting Shakespeare, a blog where actors, directors, and other theatre professionals can discuss the craft of performing Shakespeare. This blog is just getting under way, so if you would like to post a question about Shakespearean performance, or if you have an idea for a topic, please write me at jill at austinstages dot com and I'll do my best to get it answered promptly. Thanks! (Also, feel free to comment on posts and let's get a discussion going!)